Central Processing

Central Processing, or perhaps Central for short, is a cooperative card-based puzzle game generally for two players, about learning elements of binary logic—the building blocks of computer code. It's also a game with many variations, allowing play to be tuned for difficulty, complexity, and number of players.

players: 2
duration: about 10 to 15 min per round
audience: general, 10+ years of age suggested

Minimal materials needed: a standard deck of 52 playing cards and 4 jokers,* a coin to flip, paper and a writing implement for short notes, the printed reference sheet.

Optional materials: the randomizer at the bottom of this website to randomly generate 8-bit strings, and a custom deck of cards.

The reference sheet and custom deck of cards may be downloaded here or as a zip file here.

*Note that many standard 54 card decks that contain only 2 jokers will actually have 56 cards, with two of them being decorative start and end cards. This deck will also work, once players decide which side of the decorative cards is the “1” and the “0” side.


about binary

Binary is a system of writing numbers in which each binary digit, or "bit," is either 0 or 1. So, for example, the number one is just written as 1, but the number two is written as 10, because you can’t increment the ones place any more.

In this game, we call a string of bits a register, which you'll represent as a row of eight cards, with 0 on one side and 1 on the other.

Computers work by doing various different operations on various different operands. Operands are what we call the input or output of an operation. For example, in the operation “add x to y,” the operator is “add”, and the operands are “x” and “y”. In Central Processing, we'll focus on some of the most common binary operators, specifically, the ones named NOT, AND, OR, and XOR. It's easiest to understand them with the truth tables at the bottom of these rules, but here's a verbal explanation:

  1. NOT is the simplest operator. it has one operand, which is both an input and an output. it simply flips all the bits in this operand. In central processing, you apply the NOT operand on a register, and when doing so you flip all the cards in the register.
  2. AND is another operator, but it takes both input and output operands. When you apply AND to an input operand and an output operand, every bit in the output operand will be 1 only if both corresponding input bits are 1. otherwise, it's 0.
  3. OR sets each output bit to 1 if, inclusively, the bit of the first or second operand is 1, i.e. if at least one of the input bits is 1.
  4. XOR sets each output bit to 1 if, exclusively, the bit in either the first or the second operand is 1, i.e. if the input bits differ.

minimal setup (with regular playing cards and no internet)

  1. Remove cards with values 1 (A) through 8. Separate out the hearts and spades and put them aside in a pile. These are called immediate operands, or immediates for short.
  2. With the remaining diamonds and clubs of values 1 through 8, distribute one suit to either player, forming the player registers. Order them from 1 to 8 from right to left from the perspective of the respective player.
  3. From the rest of the cards, remove the 4 jokers and 4 kings, and place them in the center, forming the central register.
  4. Remaining should be all the cards of values 9 through Q. These are operators. Shuffle these with the immediates (hearts and spades with values 1-8), forming the draw pile.
  5. Now we will generate and record our “goal state.”
  6. Now, we will randomize the registers.
  7. Deal six cards to each player from the draw pile. Decide who goes first.

custom setup (requires custom-printed cards and internet access)

  1. Some cards will have a 1 on one side, and a 0 on the other. These are bits. Distribute eight bits in a line in front of each player. Each line of bits is a player register.
  2. Distribute the last eight bits in the center in a line. This is the central register.
  3. Shuffle all remaining cards together, forming the draw pile.
  4. Now we will find and record our “goal state.” Navigate to the bottom of this page and use the randomizer tool.
  5. Now, we will randomize the registers. Hit “randomize!” if you haven't already, and flip over cards in each of the three registers until they match what is shown on the randomizer.
  6. Deal six cards to each player from the draw pile. Decide who goes first.


  1. A register is a row of 8 bits (cards) ordered in a line, with each card having the value of one (face-up) or zero (face-down).
  2. Each player has a register, and there is one register in the center. All the registers are randomized at the start of the game.
  3. There is a draw pile for the player to draw from which contains operators (cards from 9-Q) and immediate operands or immediates (red cards from 1-8).
  4. The operators are AND (9), OR (10), XOR (J), and NOT (Q), and their functions are explained in the operator table below. They are played on two registers, from one to another, to modify the latter register’s bit values. They can also be played directly onto a register using an immediate card as an argument. (Note that NOT is an exception to these, and is only played on one register with no immediates.)
  5. Immediates are used as operands; for example, a red 4 represents the string 11110111 (i.e. the only zero is the fourth one from the right). This replaces the “first register” for the operator, and so can be played directly onto a player register or the central register. See the chart listed below for the binary strings for each immediate.
  6. On a player's turn, they may play as many cards from their hand as they would like. Playing cards consists of playing an operator and optionally an immediate at a time, following the operator table below. Players end their turn by drawing until they have six cards.
  7. One of the two following mechanics will be selected:
  8. Players may talk freely and strategize together about their cards. They can talk about their cards, but they may not show each other their hand.
  9. Both players win when the central register matches the goal state. Both players lose when all the cards have been drawn from the draw pile and there is no way to win.

player's turn

  1. You must do one or more of the following actions in any order:
  2. After all desired actions have been completed, draw from the draw pile and/or the stack (if playing with it, and you did not push this turn) until you have six cards in your hand.

additional reminders

truth tables

9: AND


10: OR






immediates table

Black cards: (if n is the card number, then 2n−1 is 1, and the rest are 0)

  1. 00000001
  2. 00000010
  3. 00000100
  4. 00001000
  5. 00010000
  6. 00100000
  7. 01000000
  8. 10000000

Red cards: (if n is the card number, then 2n−1 is 0, and the rest are 1)

  1. 11111110
  2. 11111101
  3. 11111011
  4. 11110111
  5. 11101111
  6. 11011111
  7. 10111111
  8. 01111111


To generate initial and goal states to start playing with, click:


However, note that this may return goal states with varying levels of difficulty. For example, the goal state of 00000000 is particularly easy to reach. For more control over difficulty levels, we suggest you choose a number between one and four (four is hardest), then generate a goal state with that many ones (or that many zeroes). You can do this either by shuffling face-up with face-down cards, or by ignoring the goal state in the output above and using the generator here:


public domain

Central Processing was developed by Ford McDill, Ivy Huang, and Luca Guerrera for Prof. Camilla Zamboni’s wonderful course, Educational Gaming Lab, at Wesleyan University. The inspiration for a game like Central initially came out of a discussion between Ivy and other members of the unix.lgbt community, where we envisioned a broad family of card-based games based on computer logic, which we at the time called Computer Game.

To the extent possible under law, Ford McDill, Ivy Huang, and Luca Guerrera have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Central Processing. This work is published from the United States.